You are never left waiting when the SQUAD at L.E. Smith has your back

We live in a world of instant gratification. Virtually everything we need is available at the push of a button or can be shipped overnight. While this has obvious benefits, it does not apply to remodeling or construction projects. After all, you can’t expect to have a new kitchen or bathroom quoted with the click of the button. Or can you?

When you partner with The L.E. Smith Company, you can. For years, our customers asked for a tool that would offer quoting in real time. In response, our team developed SQUAD, an online web-based solution for quoting on all countertop and surface materials.

The speed at which you quote is perceived as the speed at which you work

Statistics show that close rates go up when a quote is returned to the potential buyer quickly. There are two reasons that support this data. First, customers perceive that the speed at which you quote is indicative of the speed at which you will work. No one wants to wait months for their new kitchen or bathroom, so if you can give them hope that their project will be wrapped up quickly and efficiently they will be more likely to close the deal.

Secondly, we can all relate to having short attention spans. The longer you make a customer wait to receive a quote on their project, the more likely they will walk away from the sale. Consider Amazon’s One-Click Ordering. Amazon, the leader of providing instant gratification for their customers, figured out that if they could get their customers to buy without going through all of the order steps, they would be less likely to bail out of their shopping cart.

Independently quote projects for all surface material

With SQUAD, you can independently quote the price of countertops and surfaces in all materials offered through L.E. Smith. From laminate and solid surfaces to quartz and granite, SQUAD has everything you need to quote with confidence.

Additionally, SQUAD houses all of your quotes in a client library. These are stored long-term, which allows you to quote and order for all projects and in all surface materials. SQUAD also houses online training, industry resources and sales analytics. Whether you are quoting countertops for a kitchen, bathroom or multi-unit project, SQUAD is working for you 24-7. This is just another way that L.E. Smith has your back and is constantly working to bring you the products and services that you need to succeed.

Additional SQUAD Resources include:

  • Training and Video Tutorials
  • Downloadable Forms & Guides
  • Sales & Marketing Tools
  • News & Blog Articles

What are you waiting for? Join the SQUAD and get the power to quote in minutes. Current customers can access SQUAD and set up their own login here. If you want to learn more about how SQUAD can work for you send us a quick note at and we will call you with more information.